1. TypeScript - Record and the satisfies operator
  2. Learning about program execution in Linux from the output of strace
  3. Binding devices with libusbip - usairb devlog #2
  4. Listening to devices with libudev - usairb devlog #1
  5. First thoughts on Remix
  6. Nuking most of my .vimrc and just using LunarVim
  7. Embedded learning log - Integrating the Memfault Firmware SDK
  8. Embedded learning log - Running a FreeRTOS recurring task
  9. Embedded learning log - A foray into Linux specifics: dmesg, tty and playing with minicom
  10. Embedded learning log - Connecting a board and flashing an RTOS
  11. Space between items with and without Flexbox gap
  12. Code is worth a thousand words
  13. Being honest about code coverage
  14. TypeScript - Poor man's async await using generators
  15. Reflecting on a year of Shape Up after Scrum
  16. Taking on a daunting task
  17. TypeScript - Structuring type dependencies in frontend applications
  18. Recursive vim macros on multiple files using arglist
  19. TypeScript - Beware the user-defined type guards
  20. TypeScript - Using Record is usually not the best choice
  21. How to listen to music
  22. Thoughts on atomic commits and quality of life
  23. Making Emacs work like my Neovim setup
  24. My experience contributing to Servo
  25. Why won't my text overflow? Where's my ellipsis!?
  26. CSS features that Firefox supports but Chrome doesn't
  27. Guide to CSS filters
  28. Hi there!