Embedded learning log - Running a FreeRTOS recurring task

This post is part of a series where I log my experience getting into embedded software development. The overarching goal is to use the ESP8266 RTOS SDK to learn how to operate my ESP8266 board using an RTOS and to learn how to integrate the Memfault real-time SDK. Disclaimer: I work for Memfault as a full-stack engineer, mostly on web stuff. Here are the other posts in the series:

Browse the accompanying repository at the commit in which I was done with this part.

Documentation on the ESP8266_RTOS_SDK does not feature any information about task creation. I guess this is because the underlying RTOS is FreeRTOS, so I’m going to try to find documentation for that.

Here’s the documentation.

Apparently I can create tasks with xTaskCreate or xTaskCreateStatic. If I want to use xTaskCreateStatic, I need to provide my own memory, so I need to pass more parameters, but I can allocate this memory at compile time. I’m going to go with the simpler xTaskCreate, which allocates from the FreeRTOS heap.

The most important argument to xTaskCreate is the task function I want to run:

Tasks are normally implemented as an infinite loop, and must never attempt to return or exit from their implementing function. Tasks can however delete themselves.

To create a task that executes periodically, I just need to make it an infinite loop that calls vTaskDelay in it or vTaskDelayUntil. I’m going for the simpler vTaskDelay.

Another interesting argument is usStackDepth. It’s in words, and the docs say a word is 32 bits in an ESP8266EX. One choice would be to find out the minimum stack size required for a task in FreeRTOS. I found this interesting article: GNU Static Stack Usage Analysis by Erich Styger. I can pass -fstack-usage to gcc and get a nice .su file that gives me the stack usage of each function in bytes. I can append to CFLAGS for specific components, so I did so in esp8266_sdk/memfault/component.mk, and then found this file memfault/memfault_platform_http_client.su:

memfault_platform_http_client.c:178:5:memfault_platform_http_client_post_data	192	static

That’s it! 192 bytes divided by my word size of 4 is exactly 48. I’ll use 48 as a stack size for my task and eventually test to see if I can get by with less (I doubt it).

After creating the task, I get an crash loop due to a stack overflow on my new task_upload_memfault_data. Is my stack size not big enough?

Finding out the stack size needed by a function #

I found this interesting article: GNU Static Stack Usage Analysis by Erich Styger. I can pass -fstack-usage to gcc and get a nice .su file that gives me the stack usage of each function in bytes.

I found out I can pass append to CFLAGS for specific components, so I did so in esp8266_sdk/memfault/component.mk, and then found this file memfault/memfault_platform_http_client.su:

memfault_platform_http_client.c:178:5:memfault_platform_http_client_post_data	192	static

That’s it! 192 bytes divided by my word size of 4 is exactly 48. I’ll use 48 as a stack size for my task and eventually test to see if I can get by with less (I doubt it).

The stack size I calculated wasn’t enough #

I started by trying to allocate a stack of 48 words for my task_upload_memfault_data function, but that crashed my device due to bad allocations. I bluntly tried to increase it gradually until it worked, and it did! At 4096 words. I was off by a lot.

Could this be due to the fact that I measured stack usage for memfault_platform_http_client_post_data and not for my task’s function task_upload_memfault_data? Let’s build with -fstack-usage again, this time scouting for my task function instead. The number reported for memfault_platform_http_client_post_data was 192 bytes.

The output contains this:

main.c:148:6:task_upload_memfault_data	16	static

Eew! 16 is a lot less than 192. It seems like this isn’t going all the way down the call stack to calculate stack usage. Maybe I’m missing some other flag?

Runtime analysis of the target stack size #

I’m going to try to let the code run and analyze how much memory the task takes after the fact. I probably need to make the task run through all of its different branches and take the maximum.

I remember that allocation of tasks created via xTaskCreate is handled by FreeRTOS, and there’s another way to create tasks that lets me control allocation: xTaskCreateStatic.

My plan is to:

  1. Refactor my task to use xTaskCreateStatic.
  2. Flash and run the code.
  3. Figure out how to analyze the memory layout after the fact.
  4. Read how much of the stack I allocated was actually used by the task.

To be able to access xTaskCreateStatic I had to change configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION to 1 in components/freertos/include/freertos/FreeRTOS.h. Surprisingly, this setting wasn’t available under make menuconfig -> Component configuration -> FreeRTOS.

I’m giving up on this approach and returning to static analysis because compiling with configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION requires me to implement my own allocators/deallocators for FreeRTOS’s idle task, and I’m… not up for the task.

Static analysis of the target stack size #

The reason why my 192 number was wrong is because gcc outputs .su files for each .o file it produces; it doesn’t look into other output objects to determine stack usage in a recursive fashion.

I found this Perl script by Daniel Beer avstack.pl which reportedly builds this tree or call graph for you and then sums the results:

The script reads all .su files, and disassembles all .o files, including relocation data. The disassemblies are parsed and used to construct a call graph. Multiple functions in different translation units with the same name don’t cause problems, provided there are no global namespace collisions. Information will appear on any unresolvable or ambiguous references.

I’ve added the script and results to the repository in src/avstack.txt. Functions prefixed with > are supposed to have a summary of function calls in lines below them, but my run seems to have produced a flat stack where no function calls other functions in its body. It’s weird, and I got a 196 for memfault_platform_http_client_post_data, which looks like it’s my previous 192 plus 4. This 4 is passed as an argument to avstack.pl called call_cost.

So! I’m giving up on this method as well. My last attempt: using FreeRTOS’s uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark.

Measuring the target stack size at runtime using uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark #

I’ve instrumented my task like this:

void task_upload_memfault_data( void * pvParameters )
    // [...]
    uxHighWaterMark = uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(NULL);
    ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Water mark at task entry: %lu", uxHighWaterMark);

    while (true)
        // [...]
        uxHighWaterMark = uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(NULL);
        ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Water mark at task exit: %lu", uxHighWaterMark);

The output looks like this, with irrelevant sections edited out:

D (807) TOASTBOARD: Water mark at task entry: 3976

D (10832) TOASTBOARD: Water mark at task exit: 3140

D (29036) TOASTBOARD: Water mark at task exit: 580
D (39037) TOASTBOARD: Water mark at task exit: 580
D (49039) TOASTBOARD: Water mark at task exit: 580
D (59041) TOASTBOARD: Water mark at task exit: 580
D (69042) TOASTBOARD: Water mark at task exit: 580
D (79045) TOASTBOARD: Water mark at task exit: 580

So it’s 3976 on entry, on its first exit it’s 3140, and then it’s in the infinite loop (it has a 10 second delay after each run) and stabilizes at 580.

The initial drop from 3976 to 3140 is explained by the documentation:

Calling the function will have used some stack space, we would therefore now expect uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark() to return a value lower than when it was called on entering the task.

In my case, “the function(s)” are vTaskDelay and memfault_esp_port_http_client_post_data.

The second drop from 3140 to the stable 580 is explained by the fact that memfault_esp_port_http_client_post_data returned early because there was no more data to post. Cool!

Two questions remain:

With 3976 it works just fine, but on a new run the high water mark is 3864. Why couldn’t it be more than my allocated 3976? Do people pad these values? I’m sticking with my original 4096 for good measure.

Finding out the size of a word manually in C #

I remember in Rust this would be the size of usize. I guess in C I can go sizeof(some_type) to get this.

After some Googling, I found size_t, which varies depending on the address size of the processor, and is the type returned by sizeof. So let’s try sizeof(size_t).

ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Size of a word is %u bytes!", sizeof(size_t));

And then in make monitor:

I (532) TOASTBOARD: Size of a word is 4 bytes!

Four bytes are 32 bits. Thanks Toastboard!

Next I’ll be integrating the Memfault Firmware SDK.